Sunday, March 23, 2014

Ode to the Passage of Time in Matters of Love & Destiny

We met in the form
of unknown winds,
who when they meet
create such  a movement
in nature that all mortals are
     at the disposition
of our encounter.
believe me, you are
colossal, and in that
we are alike.

Brilliant fires, desperate cats,
dancers without time, a fucked
shipwreck: in summary,
things I try to imagine
instead of thinking
about you.

hair made of iron, entrails of
a mannequin, bones of skeletons
forgotten in autumn,
and a drunken reality, that
is what you are

Desolate tides, baseless
premonitions, abysmal thunder,
illnesses created to
pretend that tomorrow
is a new day,
when the truth is that
tomorrow is only
the continuation of today,

and today is when I miss you;
today is when I need you.

child, giant of the occult
poisoned by years of understanding
and deaf ears; puerile touching
that leads us to happiness,
but not perfection,
believe me when i sing and scream
that i love you,
but I need to
forget that you

child poisoned by
spite, i know your
secrets that only
your fears know, your
your ghosts,
your shadows, your
know me if I say "tomorrow"
and recognize
when I
say "yesterday"

because that is where you live,
and I live in the forgotten.

Tenderness of God,
imbecile of destiny;
man's dictation.

Ancient destiny of Villages
converted into cities
of outsiders and
profound extrimists,
guerillas of the forgotten,
yesterday's quotidian children,
customary imbeciles,
and forgetfuls of a pestilential
and difficult truth,

i bless you with a pain
that comes from a tragic century
in a language that is no
longer spoken,
no longer felt, no longer remembered.

O, god! how beautiful the ability to forget.
how beautiful the ability
to make as if nothing happened.
How beautiful tomorrow, full
of possiblities
and absolutions.

Translated from the original Spanish text. 

Observations From a Very Liberal Chauvinist

Profane mother of lustfulness, 
I bless you as if you were 
the ultimate sacred Pagan goddess,
as if you were the last Prostitute
of a long and flaccid
as if you were the Sacrificial Virgin
raped at the final moment by those
patriarchal bastards who poison your 
blood in the name 
Systemic Traditionalism,
as if you were the child where 
the uncertainty of happiness,
and intelligence 
and tomorrow 
grows in your gorgeous womb,

as if you were the summer of a thousand suns,
and two thousand wisdoms.

Woman, you are the past
and the future
intoxicated with hope. 

Translated from the original Spanish text 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Observacion de un machista muy liberal

Madre profana de la lujuria,
te persigno como si fueses 
la ultima sagrada diosa de los Paganos,
como si fueses la ultima Prostituta
de un otoño 
largo y flacido,
como si fueses la Virgen de Sacrificio
violada al ultimo momento por los 
bastardos patriarcas que envenenan tu 
sangre en el nombre
de la 
Costumbre Sistemica,
como si fueses la criatura en donde vive  
la civilidad
la imaginacion
la incertidumbre de la felicidad
la inteligencia
y el mañana
creciendo en tu vientre hermoso,

como si fueses el verano de mil soles,
y dos mil sabidurias.

Mujer, eres el pasado
y el futuro
embriagada con esperanza.